The Canada Geese are flying home – a sure sign of spring. More than that however, in Montreal – the real start to spring is the St. Patrick’s Day festivities which include a full out parade.
This year marks the 189th annual St. Patrick’s Day parade in Montreal.
$50 buys a lot of Green Beer!
- Photo by @espagnodutchie
As the date moves closer for #140confMTL, it seemed only fitting that in a city that celebrates St. Patrick’s Day with such zest we cut you in on some of the luck of the Irish with a special 24 hour, limited quantity discount code for #140confMTL thanks to Ogilvy & Ogilvy : they are sharing some of their “Green” and giving you $50 off your registration to the conference- that buys a lot of green beer!
Click on the Ogilvy logo to register now!
Making the Parade Totally Social
The Montreal Gazette is not only celebrating the event, but making it totally social!
Planning to attend the parade on Sunday? We’ll be doing an all-photo live blog of the event and you can contribute to it. Just take a photo of the St. Patrick’s festivities on your mobile phone and send it to [email protected].
Check out the parade as it happens at, starting at noon.
Read more from the Montreal Gazette here.
Traditional Celtic Celebrations
The St. Patrick’s Society held their annual luncheon yesterday, with guest speaker Dr. Kathy Reichs, followed by the annual Charity Ball, a Sold-out celebration of Celtic community which raised over $50,000.
“The Montreal St. Patrick’s Parade has run consecutively since 1824 and has been organized by the United Irish Societies of Montreal since 1928.” -United Irish Societies of Montreal
All in all its a weekend of fun and excitement. I for one am VERY curious to see what @Totaldiving‘s @DarcyKieran will do in this year’s parade! Let me just say… last year, there were Mermaids!
Source: via Mila on Pinterest
From Green Beer, to Mermaids, Montreal loves St. Patrick’s day! It’s a day full of traditions, and sure to be filled with good luck!
What are your St. Patrick’s day traditions? how do you bring the green into your day?
I don’t know but I’ve seen some mermaids around this afternoon 🙂
Nice summary! It’ll be a great parade this year in Montreal. Hot!
@darcykieran darcykieran We are totally feeling the luck of the Irish with this fantastic weather! Can’t wait to see what you do with the float!!! Mermaids in Montreal, who doesn’t love that!! 🙂 Happy St. Patricks Day!
It was the best Montreal St. Patrick parade ever! We’ll videos on tomorrow. It was simply a great weekend for the Montreal scuba mermaids 🙂