A Simple Rule to Manage Your Marketing : Stop Thinking it’s “just marketing”

Protect your marketing investment: A simple formula to manage results, make reasonable demands, and how to know when you're being taken advantage of. The environment right now is so competitive, and new that there are few people in the mass of "marketers" who truly understand how to market properly. They are learning too. So what is happening is that even they are throwing numbers and results out based on analytics , basic buzz words and attribute numbers to them...You need to understand the basics to protect your business.

Marketing Madness: Content marketing and the importance of listening #ContentMTL

Before focusing too much on all the best practices and theories of Content Marketing, your best bet is to start by listening. Buzz words have created too much confusion for business owners. Making them feel lost in the online space. The key to finding success with content marketing is making sure that a large part of the activity is about listening.

5 Ways to Use Video for Employee Engagement

Here are 5 great Ways To use Video and social media for Employee Engagement & Recruitment. It's great to be the employee of the month with a picture on the wall, but really - what does that do towards getting to know people, or truly sharing who that person is?

Breaking Down Social Media : Finding a Soul in Brands

The term social media is largely misused and misunderstood. You can't have one social media strategy, or just decide to "do social media". You have to realize what the term represents, that's the first chall...

When You’re Overrun With Fear. Leadership, Marketing and Culture – Creating Opportunity for Growth

How is Fear Altering Your Behavior - Is It Hindering Your Success? The greatest ideas in the world and the most innovative changes do not come from those who fear. They come from those willing to put themselves on the line, who face realities, who respond, and who also take a chance. In the workplace, fear of speaking up can hinder and organization by eliminating the opportunity for members of the community to drive positive change by sharing ideas. Often it's the collaborative perspective of people at all levels that add to the ability for a company to change with the needs of the consumer and to increase efficiency.