A New Year, let the adventure begin!

  It has started my friends...the change of the year..every hour until "your new year" magical energy is flowing all over the world!! There are few times when the entire planet is drawn together in cel...
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Connecting: Social Media meets IRL #140MTL Part 2

"Technology has brought us to a point in which hundreds of millions if not billions of people have a voice, each voice can now be heard." ~Jeff Pulver. Communication is improving and it is changing the world...

Connecting: Social Media meets IRL #140MTL Part 1

With the #140Conference Montreal scheduled for May we threw a meetup reception on November 30th to invite Montrealer's, friends of #140conf and all those interested in learning about what the conference is abou...

Cards, meeting new people and networking. Stand out.

The month of November was a big month for conferences. I was fortunate to attend Blogworld (#BWELA), #Brandsconf and then rounding out the month worked on my own conference to organize November 30th's #140confM...
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#140ConfMTL Meetup Nov 30, 2011 Teaser Contest

Participate Online and #Win! Several prizes will be given away to online participants. To be eligible to you must do this: Identify the Theme at the Montreal Hotel Intercontinental by using the Video clu...
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What is 140 Conference Montreal? #140ConfMTL

Time for a #140ConfMTL update! I have been busy working with Tourism Montreal scouting out locations for the #140ConfMTL. We are really excited about bringing this international conference to Montreal in May 2...
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140 Conference coming to Montreal in 2012! #140confMTL

Last Friday I had one of the most amazing conversations with Jeff Pulver, founder, and visionary of the 140 Conferences. I was so touched by my recent experiences at #140confONT and #140ConfHV that I felt I nee...